'Animal Friendly' Cake Recipes
NOTE: "animal friendly" = made without ingredients that harm animals e.g. meat or dairy. These recipes are intended for human consumption, not animal consumption!
Easy Vegan Choc Cake
3 Cups flour (680g)
2 cups sugar (450g)
6 tablesp cocoa
2 teas baking soda
1 teas salt
3/4 cup vege oil (30cc)
2 tablesp vinegar
2 teasp vanilla
2 cups cold water (480cc)
This is what you do:
Mix dry ingredients. Add wet ingreds. Stir till smooth.
Bake in 2 greased, floured tins at 350 degrees for 30 mins.
Makes 2 layers of 8-9" rounds or one small sheet cake.
to be very popular and we are often asked for the recipe
6oz brown flour (if plain, use 3tsp baking powder)
2oz desiccated coconut
2tsps mixed spice
1lb mixed fruit
4oz chopped dates
4oz chopped apricots
½ pint water - or enough to just cover the soaking fruits
2tbsp orange juice
This is what you do:
Soak the fruit in the liquid overnight
Add the dry ingredients
Bake in a 2lb loaf tin for approximately 1½ hours at 160C, covering for the last ½hr
Decorate as required - makes an excellent Christmas Cake
Jammy Fruity Crumb Cake
Ingredients for the topping:
1 cup of plain flour
12oz Self Raising Flour
8oz vegan margarine
8oz Caster Sugar
2oz Dairy Free white chocolate drops, available in the Free From aisle at Asda, Sainsbury's etc (2oz = 2 bags) - bash the bags with a rolling pin to turn the drops into chips
Juice of 1 lemon
1 - Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
2 - Mix the flour, sugar and marge in a big bowl, using your hands to knead the dough. Add the lemon juice - you now have a nice, sticky dough.
3 - Stir in the chocolate chips
4 - Roll out the dough on a well floured surface to about 1.5 cm thick and cut into rounds (I use a cutter a little larger than a scone cutter - sorry, I don't have a tape measure handy). This makes 22 cookies which bake to the size of the cookies sold in supermarket bakeries
5 - Bake for about 15 minutes - they will come out a little soft so use a large "slice" to remove from the tray before cooling on a wire rack
The lemon flavour is very subtle so if preferred you could add a bit of chewiness and lemon flavour by including grated rind - obviously you can also play around with the chocolate etc