Hillside Farm Animal Investigation Camera Appeal
Although we provide a permanent home for over 1000 rescued (mainly farm) animals, we consider our farm animal investigations a vital aspect of our work - the very reason the Sanctuary was founded in 1995. However, with so many mouths to feed, providing food and care for the animals is, of course, a priority when distributing our funds. We are not a wealthy sanctuary and, as we take in so many animals in need of help, we are usually operating on a hand to mouth basis - particularly at this time of the year. Sometimes our funds are stretched unexpectedly in other directions. Just recently, our main surveillance camera suddenly, in the middle of an important investigation, came to the end of it's useful life and now urgently needs to be replaced. If this is something you would like to help with, you may make a donation, however small, here... Thank you.
Wendy Valentine
It was with a surveillance camera that our Farm Animal Investigator shocked the
nation with his footage showing Bernard Matthews' workers playing baseball with,
and then brutaly kicking turkeys, just before they were sent for slaughter.